Jumat, 29 Mei 2015

Ginger plants cultivation system

Ginger plants cultivation system

ZO varieties var. officinale
Large Large Rhizome
Pale White Skin Color Rhizome
Color White Meat Rhizome
Aroma Meat Less
pungency Less
Plant height (cm) ± 30-70
Time fall Leaves> 7 months
Optimal Harvest> 9 months
Harvest rhizome weight (ounces) ± 5-20
Productivity / ha (tons) 10-30

Terms growing for ginger plants

Ginger plants require relatively high rainfall, which is between 2500-4000 mm / year. At the age of 2.5 to 7 months or more ginger plants require sunlight intensity 70-100%. In other words, the cultivation of ginger should be done in the open so it gets the sun all day. The optimum air temperature between 20-35 ° ginger cultivation C. Ginger plants most suitable to be planted in fertile soil, fertile and humus. Good soil texture is sandy loam, sandy clay and soil laterik. Plants can be grown on soil pH around 4.3 to 7.4. But the soil acidity (pH) optimum for ginger is 6.8 to 7.0. Ginger grows well in tropical and subtropical areas with......

an altitude of 0-2000 meters above sea level. In Indonesia, in general, ginger cultivation is done at an altitude of 200-600 meters above sea level.

Ginger nurseries

Ginger Seed Requirements

Quality seeds are seeds that meet the quality requirements of genetic, physiological quality (percentage of high growth), and physical quality. The physical quality of the seeds free of pests and diseases. Rhizome to be used as seed, should have 2-3 buds going and weighs about 50 grams.

seeding technique for ginger plant

On the cultivation of ginger, to obtain a uniform plant growth, ginger seeds should not be planted immediately, but must first be germinated. The planting of ginger can be done with a wooden crate or placed on the bed.

Seeding Ginger on Wood Box

Freshly harvested ginger rhizome is dried while (not dry), then stored around 1-1.5 months. Break the rhizomes by hand where each piece has 3-5 buds and dried over 1 / 2-1 days. Further cuts would be the ginger seeds packed into sacks beranyaman rarely, and then dipped in a solution of fungicides and growth regulators about 1 minute, then drain. After the seed ginger added to wooden crates. Do the seeding with a wooden crate as follows: at the bottom of the wooden coffin will be put seed layer, then topped with ash or rice hulls, and so on so that most of the ash or rice husk. After 2-4 weeks, the seedlings are ready for planting ginger.

Seeding Ginger on Beds

Create a simple seeding house measures 10 x 15 m to plant 2 tons (needs ginger 1 ha). Create a haystack thick beds of 10 cm. Will seed ginger rhizome arranged on beds of straw and covered straw, topped with rhizomes cover with straw, and so on, so we get a 4-layer arrangement rhizome with the top in the form of straw. Ginger seed treatment on the bed can be done by watering every day and occasionally sprayed with fungicide. After 2 weeks, usually rhizome sprout leaves. When the seedlings sprout selected so as not to carry low-quality ginger seed. Seed selection result was broken for break by hand and each piece has 3-5 buds and weighs 40-60 grams.

Preparation of ginger seeds

On the cultivation of ginger, before planting, the seedlings should be freed from the threat of disease in a way put into sacks and dipped in fungicide solution of approximately 8 hours. Then dried ginger seeds 2-4 hours, then planted.

Land preparation for Ginger Cultivation


Processing begins with the plowed soil depth less than 30 cm in order to obtain loose soil conditions or crumb and clear the vegetation. After the soil is left around 1 week so toxic gases evaporate and seedling diseases and pests will die in the sun.

The pile formation and Fertilization Basics

On the cultivation of ginger, for easy maintenance as well as to prevent waterlogging, soil should be processed into beds-beds with a height of 30 cm, width 80 cm, while the length is adjusted to the condition of the land. Cultivation of ginger with a raised bed system also aims to facilitate pathogen attack, because soil moisture can be maintained by making pari-trench. Basic fertilization given in conjunction with a raised bed using manure that has been fermented as much as 40 tonnes / ha and NPK 15-15-15 1.5 tons / ha. It would be better if added with biological agents such as Trichoderma sp. and Gliocladium sp. to prevent the attack of pathogenic bacteria and fungi. Humic and fulvic Provision will serve as pembenah ground, so uptake of nutrients by plants can be optimized.


Liming is done at the time of formation of the bed. In soil with low soil pH, most of the nutrients in it, especially phosphorus (P) and calcium (Ca) are not available or are bound by ion ground. This sour soil conditions can be a media development some disease-causing fungi Fusarium and Pythium sp sp. Liming also serves to add an indispensable element potassium ginger plants to harden the woody parts of plants, stimulating the formation of root hairs, fruit cell walls thicken and stimulate the formation of seeds.

Manure sowing process in soil before planting ginger.

To be able to obtain yields optimal ginger then one thing is quite important needs to be done is to remain fertile soil condition at the time of replanting and new openings to land.

When the land is processed manually with a hoe or a tractor with tools and make the beds (mounds) with width 80 cm, height 30 cm, while the length adjusted to the contours of the local earth.

Manure that can be used is cow dung / goat / chicken, the best to use is manure droppings broiler (Broiler) that no skin rice, if using cow manure / goat / chicken laying it should manure was mixed (oplos) first with bran with a ratio of 1 tonne of manure mixed with 200 kg of bran (1: 5), the bran is very important for the fermentation of organic matter in the soil later, spread manure on the point - the point where the ginger plant will planted, for a given planting hole about 1 kg of manure, in 1 hectare with a population of 40,000 plants using a spacing of 50 cm x 50 cm it takes 40 tons of manure, with a method such as this is usually all the experience we will obtain the target harvest rhizomes ginger as much as 30 tons per hectare, and even then we had to select and separate the seeds Superior SUPER much as 2 tons for subsequent replanting.

In one hectare there are 10,000 square meters, 100 pieces make the beds with a length of 100 m, width 80 cm and height 30 cm, and then give the distance between beds (ridges) of 20 cm, and then plotting the point of planting as many as two rows in each seedbed, position The first line is 15 cm from the edge of the embankment on the left edge, while the position of the second row is 15 cm from the edge of the embankment side of the right side, the distance between plants growing point is 50 cm laterally left / right and 50 cm to the front / rear.

In one there are two rows of beds planted points, in each row there are 200 points, so in a raised bed planting are 400 points within 50 cm x 50 cm, then in 1 hectare which contains 100 beds are included planting 40,000 points.

BREEDING used 10 months old or older with an average weight of 100 grams per rhizome, in 1 kg of seeds there are 10 rhizomes, each rhizome is cut into two parts and used as seed for sowing, so in 1 kg can get 20 pieces of seeds, then to 1 with a population of 40,000 plants ha takes 2 tons of seeds, each piece later after sowing seeds in the nursery during of 1 - 1.5 month will grow 2-4 buds.

After manure sown in the field at all points after the planting then proceed with the process of organic matter into a pile of manure in a way minyiram (kocor) liquid bio fertilizer solution Tiens FENG SHOU diluted with clean water, watering way (kocor) can use a bucket and dipper.

For planting ginger 1 ha takes 10 liters of Tiens Biological Fertilizer - FENG SHOU, dissolve each liter of Tiens - FENG SHOU with 200 liters of clean water and give each of 50 cc of a solution of Tiens - FENG SHOU is diluted to each pile of manure who are at the point of planting and then cover with soil about 5 cm - 10 cm, let stand about 2 or 3 days in order to ferment it can be done only after planting SEED already sowing in advance

Determination of Ginger Planting System

Ginger cultivation in monoculture in a particular area is considered quite reasonable, considering the economic value of ginger is quite high, so that the cultivation of ginger monoculture technical expected to provide high production. However in the area, the cultivation of ginger in monoculture less acceptable because it is always cause harm. Ginger cultivation intercropped with other crops have the following advantages:

Reducing losses caused price fluctuations.

Reduce the cost of labor, such as: power plant maintenance work.

Improving land productivity.

Improved physical properties and preserve the land due to low growth of weeds (weeds).

In the practice of planting ginger in a field, ordinary farmers to plant ginger intercropped with vegetables, such as cucumbers, red onions, chili, beans, etc. There are also intercropped with food crops, such as corn, peanuts and some other nuts.

Making holes for planting ginger

On the cultivation of ginger, to avoid an ugly ginger growth, because groundwater conditions are bad, then it should be processed into a seedbed soil-beds. Next create small holes or grooves as deep as 5-10 cm for planting ginger. A raised bed has the main goal to avoid stagnant water around the area of cultivation during the rainy season. Stagnant water around the area of cultivation can lead to disease, both diseases are caused by bacterial infections or diseases caused by fungi or fungal infection.

How to Grow Ginger

How to grow ginger is doing by attaching the seed rhizomes in fall into the planting hole or groove that had been prepared. Spacing ideal that used to grow ginger is 50 cm x 50 cm.

Planting period

Cultivation of ginger should be done at the beginning of the rainy season around September and October. This is possible because the young plants will need enough water for growth. Ginger is planted in the dry season will increase production costs, especially the cost of irrigation. Even if the cultivation area has adequate water resources, but the ginger plant growth will be slightly delayed, because the temperature is too high will inhibit the growth of young plants.

Ginger Plant Maintenance

Replacement for damaged ginger plant

Replacement for damaged ginger plant at the age of 2-3 weeks after planting. If the replacement is doing too old, then the ginger plant growth will not be the same. Uneven growth will increase the level of difficulty in maintenance, especially in the control of plant pests and diseases.


The first weeding in ginger cultivation is done when the plant was 2-4 weeks followed 3-6 weeks. Depending on the condition of the vegetation (weeds) are growing. But after a 6-7 month old ginger, you should not need to do weeding again, because at that age began large rhizomes.

Hoarding land for ginger plants

Ground ginger plants need air circulation and water can run well, the soil must be crumbly. Beside it, the goal of hoarding is to hoard ginger rhizome that sometimes appeared on the surface of the ground. If the plant is young, thin enough hoeing the soil around the clump with a distance of approximately 30 cm. Hoarding first performed at the time of the ginger plant-shaped clumps consisting of 3-5 tillers, generally hoarding done 2-3 times during the life of the ginger plant. However, depending on the soil conditions and the amount of rainfall.

Supplementary fertilization

Ginger plant is a plant that is long-lived compared with chilli and tomato plants. Basically given basic fertilizer is sufficient to sustain the growth of these plants. However, in the cultivation of ginger intensive efforts should be made to increase production significantly. Therefore, supplementary fertilizer needs to be given at the time the plant was 2-3 months, 4-6 months, and 8-10 months of use 15-15-15 NPK fertilizer with a dose of 20 grams per plant coupled with pembenah ground, such as humic acid and fulvic acid to aid absorption of nutrients by the roots so that the ginger plant growth can be optimized.

Irrigation and Watering

On the cultivation of ginger, plants do not need too much water for growing well but in the early grow ginger plants need water, so that when you start planting crops cultivated ginger at the beginning of the rainy season.

Ginger in infancy are also not spared from pests and diseases. Pests that attack is often rhizome Mimegrala coeruleifrons flies that ate all the rhizome, rhizome fly eumerus figurans walker takes rhizome software causes the plant to wilt and porous and flies that attack sp lamprolonchaea rhizome to be rotten.

Disease that often attacks the bacterium Pseudomonas zingiberi, Cendawan phyllosticta zingiberi ramak which can cause damaged leaves, yellowing and shrinking and pythium Cendawan cause spoilage wet ginger rhizome rot or soft rot. causing the apparent stem rot and fall, Ginger harvested when it is old and aged at least 10 months. Physical characteristics are visible when the rhizome was very hard pressed and hard to exfoliated skin by hand. The color of the outer skin look fresh yellow, shiny and no redness on the tip of the rhizome.

Baby ginger harvested for ginger pickle, made when plants are aged 3 / d 4 months. Physical characteristics are visible clumps of plants are still green, stout rhizome, the ends of the rhizomes are still reddish, many children and when cut the rhizome latent fibers.

Ginger rhizome harvesting by dismantling the overall land use hand fork. Demolition is not recommended to use the hoe can be avoided because it will cut ginger. Ginger is broken or damaged lead-grade lower export which means a lower resale value anyway.

Ginger rhizome grading by collecting into one and then allowed to stand for 1 to 2 days in warehouse storage. The goal is that the land is still attached ginger become dry and shed so clean soil. One of the requirements is a ginger export must be clean of soil attached to the rhizome.

Analysis of monoculture farming for ginger cultivation per 1 hectare with a population of 40,000 plants using a spacing of 50 cm x 50 cm, is obtained by calculating the application in Plantation GINGER Planting for one season (12 Months; tillage and SEED 1 month - cultivation period 10 months - 1 month post-harvest):

Rent Land 1 ha: Rp 5.000.000, -
Seeds: 2000 kg X Rp 10,000, - = Rp 20.000.000, -
Manure: 40 ton X Rp 300.000, - = Rp 12.000.000, -
Tiens Biological Fertilizer - FENG SHOU: 10 liters x Rp. 98.000, - = Rp. 980.000, -
NPK: 1,500 kg X USD 2,500, - = Rp 3.750.000, -
Integrated Pest Management: Rp 750.000, -

Land Management: 60 HOK X 50.000, - = Rp. 3.000.000, -
Making Beds: 40 HOK X Rp 50.000, - = Rp 2.000.000, -
Planting: 60 HOK X Rp 50.000, - = Rp 3.000.000, -
Maintenance: 300 HOK X Rp 50.000, - = Rp 15.000.000, -
Sorting and Selection: 100 HOK X Rp 50.000, - = Rp 5.000.000, -

Harvest and Post Harvest: 100 HOK X Rp 50.000, - = Rp 5.000.000, -
Total CAPITAL = Rp 75.48 million, -

Business Operating Revenues Elephant Ginger Cultivation

Harvest = 20,000 kg
Sales = 20,000 kg X Rp. 7,000, - = Rp 140,000,000, -
Capital = Rp 75.48 million, -
Profit = Rp 140,000,000, - (-) Rp. 75.48 million, - = Rp 64.52 million, -

Consulting & sharing :

Mr. Andi Wijaya Msc
Perkebunan JAHE
(Ginger farming & trading consultant)
Email address : sehatjahe@gmail.com
Mobile : +6282183915447
Ginger farm location :
1. Cibadak Sukabumi West Java
2.. Way kanan Lampung INDONESIA

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